Each week, we publish a teaching by a faith leader on issues of spirituality and social justice to help our subscribers live their faiths more fully. We invite you to explore those teachings here on our website. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please sign up here

The Religious Significance of Vegetarianism

The Religious Significance of Vegetarianism

There are good reasons, however, for further consideration of the religious significance of vegetarianism, the choice of a diet that does not include meat and fish products.

The Synergy between Faith and Action

The Synergy between Faith and Action

There are few verses from the Holy Scriptures that have had such an influence and effect in the theological and social history of Christianity as the one verse we find in Genesis 15:6 : “And Abram believed the LORD; and the LORD reckoned it to him as righteousness”(Genesis 15:6 NRSV).

Let’s Lament!

Let’s Lament!

I could be wrong but I have the feeling that most prayerful people don’t know much about lamenting.

Election Day is Coming!

Election Day is Coming!

We have an election coming up. Ready? I want to address some issues on my mind. I won’t tell you how to vote.