Past Events
Photos, videos and event summaries related to events hosted by A Faith That Does Justice.REad
Past Events
Two Wars, One Morality: A comparative analysis of the conflicts in the Middle East and Europe
What exactly is the call? To join Jesus in rebuilding Israel, the twelve tribes. The call applies to us today no less than then. Jesus calls each one of us to be a disciple – to receive his teaching about the kingdom and to imitate his way of relating to God and neighbor.
God is Present in the Midst of Human Suffering
A Faith That Does Justice welcomed Jane Swift, former Lt. Governor of Massachusetts, and Susan Tracy, Founder and President of The Strategy Group, for a conversation about how to move forward in a fractured political environment.
Fireside Chat: The Confluence of Poverty, Immigration, and Homelessness
In our latest fireside chat, A Faith That Does Justice had a special opportunity to host a virtual, thought-provoking and impactful panel on the Confluence of Poverty, Immigration, and Homelessness. Father Peter moderated the discussion between Dr. Geralde Gabeau, Suzanne Giovanetti, and Jeff Thielman, each of whom leads a local non-profit organization focused on the service of new immigrants, asylum-seekers, the unhoused, and other vulnerable people in the Boston region.
Understanding Homelessness in a Post-Covid Environment
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST A Faith That Does Justice founder Peter W. Gyves, SJ, MD held a Fireside Chat conversation with Jim O’Connell, MD, President of Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program. Together they explored issues of homelessness in...
Finding Hope in a Fractured Political Society
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM EST A Faith That Does Justice for a conversation with Jane Swift, former Governor of Massachusetts, and Susan Tracy, Founder and President of The Strategy Group and former member of the...
Rejecting Hate and Antisemitism: Standing With Our Neighbors During Challenging Times
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM ET
Join Father Peter Gyves, SJ, MD, Founder of A Faith That Does Justice, and Rabbi Elaine Zecher, board member of ADL New England and Senior Rabbi at Temple Israel, Boston, for a conversation about rejecting hate and antisemitism.
The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola: A Reflection from the Underside of History
But hope is not a wish. It is the expression of faith in God’s promises and our commitment to live so as to make the present world better. The present signs of chaos may be the call to change and simplify our lives, to learn how to live the human story in a new way.
Facing Cosmic Challenges: A Workshop with Father Hehir
Father J. Bryan Hehir, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Service for the Archdiocese of Boston and the Parker Gilbert Montgomery Professor emeritus of the Practice of Religion and Public Life at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, led a Workshop about facing cosmic challenges to examine your public commitment to your faith.
The Prophets, Jesus, and the Prophetic Voice Today: A Talk at Glastonbury Abbey
Father Peter joined monks of the Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham, Massachusetts for a discussion about the prophets, Jesus, and the prophetic voice today.
The Spiritual Exercises: A Reflection on Human Suffering from the Underside of History
How might the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola help us to foster justice in our world today?