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The Lord likes blue cheese 

The Lord likes blue cheese 

By The Rev. Craig A. Phillips, Ph.D.      Many people are committed to working for God in the church. As they go about the tasks at hand, they hope that they are doing what they call “God’s will.” In my experience, persons on Vestries and other committees of the...

Learning Through Accompaniment

Learning Through Accompaniment

Learning Through Accompaniment: Liberation Theology and Re-entry Communities at Fordham University By Sebastian Budinich When teaching liberation theology to undergraduate students at Fordham University, one of the greatest challenges is bridging the gap between...

What is God doing in the world today?

What is God doing in the world today?

We usually look at the Lectionary readings with an eye to the lesson they teach us. What action do they urge? Today, differently, we ask: What do the readings tell us about what God, not ourselves, is doing in the world today? In the first reading from Isaiah, God...