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Darkness at first may seem like absence, aloneness. Yet we are not really alone. Silent darkness is a doorway to Utter Presence. God is always there.
I could be wrong but I have the feeling that most prayerful people don’t know much about lamenting.
If there is one line that repeats itself over and over again in the Bible, in both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, it is “Do not be afraid” or “Fear not!”
We don’t have to earn God’s love and forgiveness. It is always awaiting us. It is just up to us to accept it and try to live accordingly.
We are grateful for her faith and her love as we feebly dare to place our trust in the risen One. In a time like ours when the world seems to be at wit’s end, when chaos abounds and people look for easy answers, the presence of the Risen Christ in our midst is our strength to persevere in faith. We proclaim it every Sunday, the “Lord’s Day.” We are encouraged by the Orthodox Church which has kept the resurrection as the center of faith. On Easter night each person shouts “Christ is Risen, alleluia!” and the response is “Christ is truly Risen, alleluia!” The icon of Jesus rising from the dead over the tombs of Adam and Eve is in every church. Let us be, like them, Easter People and sing out our alleluias with gusto.