People sitting in chairs in a circle listening to a presenter.The Arrupe International Immersions program from Boston College’s Campus Ministry invited Father Peter Gyves, SJ to celebrate a concluding liturgy for their Pre-Trip Retreat. The program, whose mission is inspired by Fr. Pedro Arrupe, is hoping to send three student groups in January to the Dominican Republic and Haitian Border, Puebla, México and to Morelos, Mexico to encounter communities with a focus on the themes of sustainability, racial justice and migration. This retreat aimed to foster deep connections amongst each group and offer insights into what it means to live out a life of true encounter and love of another. The choice to live for and with others is to be made intentionally and this group of young people demonstrate the importance of making a commitment as a community to explore the intersections of faith and justice. The Arrupe program invites its participants to reflect and discern how a life of service implicates one’s own vocation continually beyond an immersion experience. It is a call to not only fall in love, but to stay in love and how that decision will decide everything.”

-Luis Melgar, Graduate Assistant for the Arrupe International Immersions Program, MDiv 2023